On Friday, February 28th. 1902, the Passaic River, a usually well-behaved river, began to present an ominous appearance for those living aud doing business along its banks. Almost to the top of its embankments, the swollen waters were still further increased in volume by a sudden warm wave and rain, melting the snow off the mountains in the watershed of the stream, and the bursting of a dam at Whippany, in the afternoon, sent the rushing waters over the embankments into the streets along the river. The waters continued to rise, being fed by melting snow and rain on Saturday night and Sunday morning, until all past high water marks were obliterated by the river. The yards and cellars along the banks of the river were flooded to a depth of five and seven feet, and River and Water streets, paralleling the river, were made parts of the stream, and the torrents rushed through them to the great danger of life and property. The water reached almost to Fair street on Main and Bridge streets and a good distance up West and other streets. By the sudden rise of the river many lives were placed in jeopardy and boats had to be secured to get people from their homes to a place of safety, and the streets of the lower section of the city were made somewhat to resemble those of Venice. The flood reached its height on Sunday afternoon at, 3 o’clock. Previous to this flood, the worst floods that have occurred in Paterson took place May 1st, 1854, and in September, 1882